Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today we worked on sentence strategies and worked on the reflective rhetorical analysis essay. We learned about ethos, pathos, and logos which is what makes an rhetorical analysis effective. Those three components are very important because without them your paper may come across as incomplete and not well written or planned thoroughly because you are trying to appeal to an audience. A writer can choose to leave out one of the two based on what they are trying to argue and the audience that they are trying to appeal to. I personally like papers more written to appeal to ethos (emotional Appeal) because they tend to have more of an interesting argument in order to capture and keep the audiences attention, making readers believe in what they are trying to say and make apparent. When I was first introduced to these terms, I was confused. For some unapparent reason, I could not grasp their concepts. Once my professor explained them in class I understood them. I guess it helps to hear the information, instead of reading it. Which brings me to another subject i learned about this week in my ZIVY class, learning styles. My learning style is visual/graphic. I learn best in situations that present informationfirst visually, then verbally. I need to see how something is done, then i will be able to do it for myself. I enjoyed learning about my style of learning and I think this information will help me in future classes.

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