Saturday, January 30, 2010

What I've Learned My 1st Week of Class

Hmm, as I sit here, I wonder to myself, " How do I start this assignment and what have I learned that was interesting enough to write a 300 word blog"? OK. I know. I will do as both Lamott and Holt suggests. I will free write- just write whatever comes to mind. It's amazing that without trying to put an effort into thinking about what i should say next, words are just flowing out of me. And most important for me, I do not feel any stress about doing this assignment! Wait a second, someone is at the door for me. Be back in a minute...
OK. It has been two hours since I was interrupted. This brings me to something else I learned- writing techniques. Everyone has his or her own style. There is no right or wrong way. As long as you get a finished product as your end result, you were successful! Lamott says, " All good writers have terrible first drafts". If this assignment turns out to not suite my teacher's standards, I am fully prepared to blame her for my short comings. No, but seriously speaking, a lot of what Lamott wrote was either completely true for me or I could relate to it on some level. For example, my first drafts are shitty, to say the least. I usually do not know what I plan to write about and even if I have a general idea I will probably change it over and over. I may start writing, then I will stop, then I will read whatever I wrote and decide I do not like it and I will just trash the whole thing. Sometimes, I may not start at all. I will just procrastinate until I am pushing toward my deadline and I am forced to either write or fail. Oddly, I have gotten some great grades on these papers. Go figure. Anyway, moving right alone. Other times, I start writing and I may get a lot of good material down and then, the phone rings, the kids start arguing or the dog starts barking, whatever, the point is I'm interrupted! Once I'm distracted it usually takes me awhile to regain my focus. I will start watching TV, get something to eat, play hide and seek or just do anything to keep from writing. Which takes me to the last thing I learned this week; I am not the only person in class that does not like to write, so, I'm sure someone else's assignment will suck too! Good night, until I'm forced to write for class next week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad freewriting is a technique that you can use to generate ideas, and I agree with you about the writing process--it can be very tough!
